Travelling to Madrid from Swansea
It’s not often that I go on holiday whilst leaving good weather behind, but on a sunny day in Swansea, that was certainly going to be case.Read More →
It’s not often that I go on holiday whilst leaving good weather behind, but on a sunny day in Swansea, that was certainly going to be case.Read More →
After 6 weeks of waiting the big day finally arrived. I’m not referring to National Taco Day (which Twitter claims is today) but the day of our departure to the city of Berlin.Read More →
After months of waiting the day finally arrived. We were off to Toronto, Canada! The excitement didn’t even fade when the alarm woke us up at 5.30am.Read More →
On the first day of our trip to Scotland, you can probably guess what the majority of the day entailed. If your guess included the words “car” and “driving” you would be right.Read More →
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